List of Softwares

free, open-source and commercial geophysical software

image A list of free and open-source software for geophysical data processing and interpretation Reflection seismic processing packages:these are full-featured reflection seismology processing packages, with support for modelling, imaging, and inversion. Madagascaris a modern package. Started in 2003 and publicly released in 2006, it was developed almost entirely from scratch. Being a relatively new package, it follows modern software engineering practices such as module encapsulation and test-driven development. A rapid development of a project of this scope (more than 1,000 main programs and more than 5,000 tests) would not be possible without standing on the shoulders of giants and learning from the 30 years of previous experience in open packages such as SEPlib and Seismic Unix. We have borrowed and reimplemented functionality and ideas from these other packages.
FreeUSP Read about FreeUSP
The Free Unix Seismic Processing system (FreeUSP) is a collection of signal analysis and seismic processing routines originally written at Amoco Production Company's Tulsa Research Center over the last nearly 40 years. This legacy is being offered in open source by BP America Inc. in the hopes that it may foster education, understanding and collaboration amongst the world wide signal analysis community.
FreeDDS Read about FreeDDS
The Data Dictionary System is an I/O System (and much more) capable of handling multi-dimensional seismic datasets (up to 9 dimensions; eg. "axis= t offset shot x y") in various formats including usp (BP Amoco's Un*x Seismic Processing), segy (Society of Exploration Geophysicists SEG-Y format), segy1 (SEG's SEG-Y Rev 1.0 format), sep (Stanford Exploration Project's format), su (Colorado School of Mine's Seismic Un*x format) as well as other flexible trace definitions (with or without trace headers) such as fcube. DDS allows different processing systems to be used together by piping directly together as well as through actual emulation of different processing systems.
PSEIS-O Read about PSEIS-O
The Parallel Seismic Earth Imaging System (PSEIS) is designed for geophysical research and parallel processing of large datasets. Interoperation and emulation are used to leverage other seismic processing software, existing skills and infrastructure.
CWP/SU Read about CWP/SU
Seismic processing Stanford, Colorado School of Mines This page is intended to be a generic workflow for how to manually install Seismic Unix from Source on a modern Linux System. Specific instructions on installing Seismic Unix on Ubuntu are also available. Archlinux users may install Seismic Unix directly from AUR.
SEPlib Read about SEPlib
Stanford University Computation is an integral part of what we do at SEP. The past 25 years since the founding of SEP has seen an incredible explosion in both the power of computers and the tasks we ask them to perform. Likewise, the software used and written at SEP has developed along the same lines: from simple to complex; specialized to highly general.
Gateway to ASP Read about Gateway to ASP
Gateway to the Academic Seismic Portal (ASP), an archive of academic active-source seismic data (SCS, MCS, CHIRP, OBS, OOS, Sonobuoy and 3.5 kHz), supported by the National Science Foundation. We are partners with the ASP at LDEO.
GeBR Read about GeBR
GeBR the most common seismic processing package employed by GeBR users is Seismic Un*x (SU), since it is completely integrated with GeBR. Instructions about how obtain and install SU are available in its official site. However, as a cortesy, the GeBR Project offers a simple tool to go through all steps of the installation process of SU. This tool is designed and tested only for Ubuntu (see this post).
OpenSeaSeis Read about OpenSeaSeis

BotoSeis Read about BotoSeis
BotoSeis is a collection of interactive java programs for seismic data processing. It may work also as a graphical user interface for packages like CWP/SU (Seismic Un*x), Madagascar and user home made programs.
Delivery Read about Delivery
Delivery is an open-source, trace-based Bayesian seismic inversion code for use in oil reservoir characterisation at the early development and appraisal stage. See the Computers and Geosciences paper for most of the details, and the Delivery4D preliminary writeup for the time-lapse modelling.
GSEGYView Read about GSEGYView
GSEGYView Free cross-platform viewer for seismic data in SEG-Y format
GPLib++ Read about GPLib++
GPLib++ Seismic and magnetotelluric processing This is a beta version of gplib++ a geophysical library for magnetotelluric, receiver function and surface wave dispersion data. Documentation is still very sparse and any help is appreciated. Otherwise bear with me I hopefully will be able to provide the first properly documented version soon. Installation instruction can be found in the file INSTALL in the source package. All code is release under the GNU General Public License. You can download the latest source code from the sourceforge summary page.
Kogeo Read about Kogeo
Kogeo The basic idea behind kogeo was to have a handy tool to deal with every day's seismic data problems, since we are producing it on our own here at the IfBM. kogeo is not meant to replace any of the common seismic software packages, just to be a kind of extra - especially, if you like to experiment with your data. With kogeo you can import/export/analyze/visualize 2d and 3d seismic data from various sources; see the features section for more details. kogeo was designed from the very start to run on Windows systems, so there aren t any versions for Linux, Unix, MacOS or whatsoever.
Mines JTK Read about Mines JTK
Mines JTK Signal processing and display by Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines. The Mines Java Toolkit (JTK) is a set of Java packages and native (non-Java) code libraries for science and engineering. Applications currently include digital signal processing and 2-D and 3-D graphics.
JRG Read about JRG
Modeling and basic processing by John Louie, University of Nevada The Resource Geology Seismic Processing System for Java (JRG) is a basic reflection processing package with great graphics, record animation, 3-d and crooked-line capabilities, SEG-Y, SAC, and sound file I/O, and a friendly GUI that runs on any machine. It lacks muting, decon, or migrations.
Jive3D Read about Jive3D
Jive3D Modeling and tomographic inversion by James Hobro, University of Cambridge Jive3D is a forward-modelling and tomographic inversion package that is capable of modelling a wide range of seismic travel-time data types.
PySIT Read about PySIT
PySIT is an open source toolbox for seismic inversion and seismic imaging developed by Russell J. Hewett and Laurent Demanet in the Imaging and Computing Group in the Department of Mathematics at MIT.
SegDSee Read about SegDSee
SegDSee Mp 3.1.11 by Sergey Pavlukhin Muliplatform (Windows XP, 7 - 10; Linux CentOS/RHEL 5 - 7) SegDSee - SEG-D/B viewer - display headers and seismic data from disk SEG-D ?r SEG-B file. - Single shot file and Lacey Tape on Disk (LTOD) encapsulation is supported. - Currently supported formats: SEG-D 80XX, 0015 and Standard SEG-B
Segyio Read about Segyio
Segyio is a small LGPL licensed C library for easy interaction with SEG-Y formatted seismic data, with language bindings for Python and Matlab. Segyio is an attempt to create an easy-to-use, embeddable, community-oriented library for seismic applications.
Segpy Read about Segpy
Segpy by Rob Smallshire, Thomas Mejer Hansen A Python package for reading and writing SEG Y files.
segy-py Read about segy-py
A python package for reading seismic SEGY files by Kurt Schwehr.
SeismiGraphix Read about SeismiGraphix
SeismiGraphix by Abel Surace is a free application developed 100% in java which main purpose is to help visualize multiple seismic formats in different operating systems. As being developed in java this allows it to run in multiple operating systems that support the Java Run time Environment JRE 1.7 or above.
SIOSEIS Seismic reflection and refraction processing, SIOSEIS is a software package for enhancing and manipulating marine seismic reflection and refraction data, sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Scripps Industrial Associates. The system currently runs on Mac OSX (PowerPC and Intel) and PCs (Linux and CYGWIN) E-mail for inquires. Open source - The source code may be downloaded from this site. Write by Paul Henkart.
SLIMpy Read about SLIMpy
SLIMpy Processing front end by Felix Herrmann, Univ. of British Columbia SLIMpy provides a concrete coordinate-free implementation of classes for out-of-core linear (implicit matrix-vector), and element-wise operations, including calculation of norms and other basic vector operations. The library is intended to provide the user with an abstract scripting language to program iterative algorithms from numerical linear algebra. These algorithms require repeated evaluation of operators that were initially designed to be run as part of batch-oriented processing flows.
WaveletExtractor Read about WaveletExtractor
WaveletExtractor Nonreflection seismic processing utilities, a new open source toolkit for the well tie or wavelet extraction problem of estimating seismic wavelets from seismic data, time to-depth information, and well log suites. The wavelet extraction model is formulated as a Bayesian inverse problem, and the software will simultaneously estimate wavelet coefficients, other parameters associated with uncertainty in the time to depth mapping, positioning errors in the seismic imaging, and useful amplitude variation with offset (AVO) related parameters in multistack extractions.
ObsPy Read about ObsPy
ObsPy is an open-source project dedicated to provide a Python framework for processing seismological data. It provides parsers for common file formats, clients to access data centers and seismological signal processing routines which allow the manipulation of seismological time series. The goal of the ObsPy project is to facilitate rapid application development for seismology.

PAMGUARD is currently funded by the OGP E&P Sound and Marine Life Joint Industry Program , and has been established to address the fundamental limitations of existing cetacean passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) software capabilities. PAMGUARD seeks to provide open-source PAM software based on a platform-independent (e.g. Windows or Linux), flexible, modular architecture. The open-source aspect of software development is facilitated through the project's presence on SourceForge, where a community of altruistic developers provides extra resources. This community currently includes developers with proven PAM experience from both the UK and the USA Passive acoustic monitoring for marine mammals.

SCEC Broadband Platform Read about SCEC Broadband Platform
SCEC Broadband Platform m The goal of the SCEC Broadband Simulation Platform is to generate broadband (0-100 Hz) ground motions for earthquakes. The SCEC Broadband Platform is a collaborative software development project involving SCEC researchers, research engineers, graduate students, and the SCEC/CME software development group. SCEC scientific groups have contributed modules to the Broadband Platform including rupture generation, low- and high-frequency seismogram synthesis, non-linear site effects, and visualization. These complex scientific codes have been integrated into a system that supports easy on-demand computation of broadband seismograms. Users may select among various method that include rupture generation, low-frequency synthesis, high-frequency synthesis, and incorporation of site effects, with the option of running a goodness-of-fit comparison against observed or simulated seismograms. These codes have been validated against recorded ground motions from real events.
Sesarray Read about Sesarray
Sesarray Geopsy team is developing, distributing and maintaining open source software for geophysical research and applications. Born during SESAME European Project, it has provided tools for processing ambient vibrations with site characterization in mind since 2005. Progressively, more conventional techniques (such as MASW or refraction) are included to offer a high quality, comprehensive and free platform for the interpretation of geophysical experiments. Signal processing for ambient vibrations Joseph Fourier University, University of Potsdam
Seismic Handler Read about Seismic Handler
Seismic Handler This is the development site for the Seismic Handler software package by MarcusWalther. We provide you with updated documentation and source code via the version control system.
STK Read about STK
STK STK is a tool for seismic data processing; basically it allows to: Data format : SAC ASCII and SAC_Bin format are available; it can read until 2000 files (tested with 120). Filtering the data: all filters are causal recursive IFR (Infinite Impulse Response) written using the bilinear Z-transform in the time domain. Their conception using a few number of coefficents gives them very fast with a low memory cost. The adaptation factor of frequency warants no deformation in the frequency domain of the transfert function. The main filters used are the following: Butterworth High-Pass and Low-Pass (n order), Farrer 10s-6s Low-Pass (a combination of rejector and Low-Pass specially designed for removing oceanic noise), Integrator, Derivator, Integrator with cut-off frequency, Derivator with cut-off frequency, Trend removing, Rejector (n-order), Envelop with Hilbert (not recursive at all), compensator of (n-order), Polynomial filter (n-order, not recursive at all ).
TauP Read about TauP
The TauP Toolkit is a seismic travel time calculator. In addition to travel times, it can calculate derivative information such as ray paths through the earth, pierce and turning points. It handles many types of velocity models and can calculate times for virtually any seismic phase with a phase parser. University of South Carolina.
smartRefract Read about smartRefract
smartRefract download the installers for different platforms (Windows, Linux, MacOSX). SmartRefract needs Java7 to run. Modeling and inversion packages
Fatiando a Terra Read about Fatiando a Terra
Fatiando a Terra Geophysical modeling and inversion by Leonardo Uieda et al. An open-source Python library for modeling and inversion in geophysics. Our goal is provide a comprehensive and extensible framework for geophysical data analysis and the development of new methodologies.
PyGMI Read about PyGMI
PyGMI 3D interpretation and modelling of magnetic and gravity data by Patrick Cole.PyGMI stands for Python Geophysical Modelling and Interpretation. It is a modelling and interpretation suite aimed at magnetic, gravity and other datasets. PyGMI is developed at the Council for Geoscience (Geological Survey of South Africa).
SimPEG Read about SimPEG
SimPEG Simulation and Parameter Estimation in Geophysics. An open source python package for simulation and gradient based parameter estimation in geophysical applications. Rowan Cockettet al. MIT
pyGIMLi Read about pyGIMLi
Geophysical Inversion and Modelling Library Carsten Rücker, Thomas Günther, and Florian Wagner pyGIMLi is an open-source multi-method library for solving inverse and forward tasks related to geophysical problems. Written in C++ and Python, it offers both efficiency and flexibility allowing you to quickly build your own robust inversion applications for the geophysical problem at hand.
OCCAM1DCSEM An Inversion Program for Generating Smooth 1D Models from Controlled-Source Electromagnetic and Magnetotelluric Data. Kerry Key, OCCAM1DCSEM is a Fortran package for generating smooth one-dimensional models from controlled-source electromagnetic and magnetotelluric data. The OCCAM1DCSEM package is built around a new 1D CSEM forward code named DIPOLE1D, which has been designed to handle a diverse number of 1D CSEM modeling scenarios. This package comes with Matlab front- and rear-end routines for editing survey data, creating the files required by OCCAM1DCSEM and for plotting the resulting inversion models and CSEM responses.
2DMT Read about 2DMT
2DMT Occam's inversion for 2D magnetotelluric (MT) modeling Steven Constable et al., Version 3.0 is a major update to Occam 2DMT and is significantly faster than version 2.0. Thanks to Marine EM Laboratory graduate student David Myer for moving the code to Fortran 90.
Empymod Read about Empymod
Empymod An open-source full 3D electromagnetic modeller for 1D VTI media in Python. The electromagnetic modeller empymod can model electric or magnetic responses due to a three-dimensional electric or magnetic source in a layered-earth model with vertical transverse isotropic (VTI) resistivity, VTI electric permittivity, and VTI magnetic permeability, from very low frequencies (DC) to very high frequencies (GPR). The calculation is carried out in the wavenumber-frequency domain, and various Hankel- and Fourier-transform methods are included to transform the responses into the space-frequency and space-time domains. Dieter Werthmüller
extrEMe Read about extrEMe
extrEMe Accurate and scalable 3-D MT forward solver based on a contracting integral equation method. M. Kruglyakov, A. Geraskin, A. Kuvshinov
GIEM2G Read about GIEM2G
GIEM2G High-Performance Parallel Solver for Integral Equations of EM based on Galerkin Method. Gnu Integral Equation Modeling in ElectroMagnetic. The solver is based on the Galerkin method which ensures convergent numerical solution Geophysics Mikhail Kruglyakov, Lidia Bloshanskaya


gprMax Read about gprMax
gprMax Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) 3D modelling. gprMax is open source software that simulates electromagnetic wave propagation. It uses Yee's algorithm to solve Maxwells equations in 3D using the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method. It is designed for simulating Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) but can also be used to model electromagnetic wave propagation for many other applications. gprMax is command-line-driven software written in Python with performance-critical parts written in Cython. It does not feature a graphical user interface (GUI) which allows it to be very flexible and scriptable software that can run in high-performance computing (HPC) environments, i.e. on supercomputers. Antonis Giannopoulos, Craig Warren, et al. Visualization, interpretation, analysis packages.
OpendTect Read about OpendTect
OpendTect Geoscience interpretation and visualization OpendTect is a free, open source seismic interpretation system and software development platform. The system supports all tools needed for visualizing, analyzing and interpreting 2D, 3D and 4D seismic data. It is widely used for Geo-Radar interpretation as well. OpendTect is released under the GNU Public License (GPL). Interfaces with Petrel, Madagascar, GMT, Google Earth/Maps.
GeoTriple Read about GeoTriple
GeoTriple for Oil&Gas Exploration GeoTriple for Oil&Gas Exploration is a Geoforge geoscience software-platform that handles Oil&Gas Exploration (i.e. Wells, 2D and 3D seismic surveys).
qiWorkBench Read about qiWorkBench
qiWorkBench Geophysical interpretation and visualization
Generic Mapping Tools Read about Generic Mapping Tools
Generic Mapping Tools GMT is an open source collection of about 80 command-line tools for manipulating geographic and Cartesian data sets (including filtering, trend fitting, gridding, projecting, etc.) and producing PostScript illustrations ranging from simple xy plots via contour maps to artificially illuminated surfaces and 3D perspective views; the GMT supplements add another 40 more specialized and discipline-specific tools. GMT supports over 30 map projections and transformations and requires support data such as GSHHG coastlines, rivers, and political boundaries and optionally DCW country polygons. GMT is developed and maintained by Paul Wessel, Walter H. F. Smith, Remko Scharroo, Joaquim Luis and Florian Wobbe.
ParaViewGeo Read about ParaViewGeo
ParaViewGeo is a free, BSD-licensed, open source visualization package for the exploration and mining industry. ParaViewGeo is designed to run on distributed and shared memory parallel systems and single processor systems and can visualize datasets of varying sizes from small to very large. The application can integrate a large set of data and make compelling 3D presentations to give more context to the data as a whole, or to individual sets of data in particular.
GI Read about GI
GI Geophysical interpretation and visualization.
FischerLab Read about FischerLab
FischerLab FischerLab: An Interactive Program for Generating Dynamic Fischer Plots From Wireline Logs and Stratigraphic Data Not true free and open-source projects
GeoFEST Read about GeoFEST
GeoFEST (Geophysical Finite Element Simulation Tool) is a two- and three-dimensional finite element software package for the modeling of solid stress and strain in geophysical and other continuum domain applications.
Geoseis Read about Geoseis
GeoSeis a seismic program. The purpose of the program, process the received data in the field to calculate the accurate and faster and to create reports.
MARE2DEM (pronounced mahr-ey 2DEM) is a parallel adaptive finite element code for 2D forward and inverse modeling for electromagnetic geophysics. It was developed with funding support from the Scripps Seafloor Electromagnetic Methods Consortium. After a period of exclusive access for consortium members, the code is now being made freely available. MARE2DEM was originally designed with marine controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) and marine magnetotelluric (MT) applications in mind, but it can also be applied to onshore electromagnetic modeling problems.
GPRSoft Lite Read about GPRSoft Lite
GPRSoft Lite GPR Data Visualization GPRSoft is the affordable and user friendly solution for displaying, post-processing and interpreting ground penetrating radar data. With an intuitive interface and the shortest possible learning curve it allows you to focus on your work rather than on the tool you are using! GPRSoft has full support for data files from all the major GPR manufacturers and we are constantly revising the implemented formats to comply with newer modifications or add-ons.
gaiaspectrum Read about gaiaspectrum
gaiaspectrum Gaia Spectrum is a compact and powerful GPR acquisition software for analyzing and comparing geophysical data collected from different instruments from the same or different manufacturers. It is designed to import all major ground penetrating radar file formats, geophysical data formats such as SEG-Y, SEG-2 and a wide variety of laboratory instruments. The data can be viewed in five different ways and there are several tools for automatic and semi-automatic analysis of the data sets. Read about is a basic GPR time domain simulation software. It is partially based in the transmission line model and allows up to ten layers to be simulated with frequencies ranging from 200MHz to 2000MHz. It can be used to try out different real world survey scenarios and understand how different center frequency antennas could perform, as well as getting an idea of how the A-scan might look like in the given conditions. Read about
GP Workbench GP Workbench is an open-source general-purpose geophysical data processing software package written primarily for ground penetrating radar (GPR) data. It also includes support for several USGS prototype electromagnetic instruments such as the VETEM and ALLTEM.
Seismic Lab Read about Seismic Lab
Seismic Lab SeismicLab is a MATLAB seismic data processing package. The package can be used to process small seismic data sets and, it is mainly intended for research and teaching purposes. Needs MATLAB
CREWES This software is intended to accompany the textbook "Numerical Methods of Exploration Seismology with algorithms in Matlab" (NMES) by Gary F. Margrave. The textbook and software release are part of an ongoing project to upgrade the CREWES Matlab software library for use in teaching exploration seismology. Gary Margrave, University of Calgary. Needs MATLAB
SegyMAT Read about SegyMAT
SegyMAT: Read and Write SEG-Y files using Matlab and Octave. M-files to read and write SEG-Y files from Matlab, implemented using the syntax of the SEG-Y format : SEG-Y revision 0 (1975) and revision 1 (May 2002) Needs MATLAB
IMAGE2SEGY transforms raster images of seismic records on paper or film to geo-referenced Seg-Y files, compatible with "Kingdom-Suite", "Promax", "SeiSee", and other industry standard software. Scan your old seismic paper records or download images from Geological Surveys GIS servers and put it in your project displayed with your more recent digital lines in 3D. Marcel Farran, Institut de Ciencies del Mar. Needs MATLAB & SegyMAT.
SW3D Read about SW3D
SW3D The research project Seismic waves in complex 3-D structures (SW3D) started October 1, 1993 as a consortium research project and was devoted to seismic waves as suggested by its title. In the recent years, the research has been extended to electromagnetic waves. The research project focuses primarily on the fundamental issues of high-frequency wave propagation in complex 3-D isotropic and anisotropic structures, which go beyond the traditional approaches. The ray method and its extensions, as well as its combination with other methods are mainly applied and investigated. The emphasis is put on new, stable, more efficient and flexible algorithms for both forward numerical modelling and inversion of wave fields in 3-D inhomogeneous, isotropic and anisotropic structures. Considerable attention is also devoted to applications involving S waves, converted waves, electromagnetic waves, wave splitting and coupling in anisotropic media, particle ground motions, etc.The principal investigators of SW3D are Vlastislav Cerveny (project leader 1993-2012), Ludek Klimes (project leader) and Ivan Psencik.
Rayinvr Read about Rayinvr
Rayinvr 2D traveltime inversion and amplitude modeling programs Written by Colin Zelt (Department of Earth Science, Rice University, Houston, TX) The latest package of programs for 2-D ray tracing, traveltime inversion, amplitude calculation and synthetics can be obtained using anonymous FTP from our public directory here at Rice University (, or click on one of the buttons below. It is one compressed tar file (0.3 Mb) in the directory rayinvr. There are files, examples and documentation with the programs that should explain everything. Also, there are make files to generate x-windows graphics versions of all programs that also produce (color) postscript files (as well as UNIRAS versions as before). There is a new version of dmplstsqr (called smoothlsqr) that uses first-derivative smoothing regularization.
Fast Read about Fast
Fast 3-D (and 2-D) first arrival traveltime tomography Colin Zelt, Rice University
Passeis Read about Passeis
Passeis Passive seismic analysis: Comparison of STA/LTA and Power Spectral Density (PSD) methods for Microseismic Event Detection Haishan Zheng
psysmon Read about psysmon
psysmon is a seismological prototyping and processing software dedicated to non-standard seis?mological studies. It is written in Python and released under the GNU GPL license. Stefan Mertl.
PyShottab Read about PyShottab
PyShottab Processing for ocean-bottom seismic Dalhousie University Unclear Cross-platform Python Windows binary
IGeoS Read about IGeoS
(formerly SIA) Geophysical processing and analysis: IGeoS is a highly integrated software package used for many seismic processing tasks in a wide range of geophysical, and ultimately geoscience data analysis. It is being continuously developed since mid-1995 by Igor Morozov, now at UofS seismology, as a framework for integration of geophysical software.
Seizmo Read about Seizmo
Seizmo Project SEIZMO is a Matlab and GNU Octave based toolbox encompassing a collection of over 700 functions that provide a framework for seismic data preparation, quality control, and analysis akin to that of Seismic Analysis Code with a focus on passive source seismology at regional and global scales (where earthquakes and ambient noise are the sources). There are numerous functions for reading/writing standard seismic data formats, displaying and editing metadata, plotting seismograms, creating animations, data processing, and interactive analysis. Data processing capabilities include correlation, convolution, deconvolution, detrending, differentiation, integration, interpolation, resampling, filtering, merging, response transferring, rotation, stacking, spectral analysis, tapering, and windowing.
WheelerLab Read about WheelerLab
WheelerLab is an interactive program that facilitates the interpretation of stratigraphic data (seismic sections, outcrop data and well sections) within a sequence stratigraphic framework and the subsequent transformation of the data into the chronostratigraphic domain. The transformation enables the identification of significant geological features, particularly erosional and non-depositional features that are not obvious in the original seismic domain. Adewale Amosu & Yuefeng Sun Texas A&M University
SEG Software Repo Read about SEG Software Repo
SEG Software Repo Open source codes that were made available together with published articles in the journal Geophysics by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists SEG.
Markku Pirttijärvi Read about Markku Pirttijärvi
Markku Pirttijärvi Free software by Markku Pirttiärvi 1-D inversion of EM profile data 2.5D modelling and inversion of airborne time-domain EM data 2D Fourier domain operations 2-layer inversion of VLF-R data Block model maintenance EM half-plane EM modelling and inversion using plate model Gravity field of a prism model Gravity inversion using block modelGravity inversion using block model 2 Joint inversion of EM & VES data Karous-Hjelt & Fraser filtering of VLF data Magnetic field of a prism model Modelling and inversion of frequency-domain EM soundings Petrohysical data gridding
JIGSAW Seismic inversion is a vital technology for incorporating highly heterogeneous parameters, such as carbonate porosity, into a reservoir model. Maersk Oil s scheme has been designed from the base up in order to provide rapid, repeatable inversion of large datasets (both pre- and post-stack) while allowing for the integration of different data types (seismic reflection data, vertical, deviated and horizontal wells, stacking velocities, for example) and iterative workflows involving geophysicists and interpreters. Jigsaw has, since its operational deployment in late 2010, revolutionised the way in which Maersk Oil performs seismic inversion, thanks in part to its class-leading speed. As an example, a single test run of post-stack inversion over the massive Al Shaheen field in Qatar used to take three weeks with commercial software; with Jigsaw, the same run takes only three hours on a standard PC.
GEOVATION Geovation has evolved from over 40 years of expertise in geophysical software and?incorporates the latest technology from the recognized leaders in advanced processing and imaging. Geovation is the powerhouse behind CGG market-leading geophysical services.Benchmark Software for Seismic Data Processing and Imaging


QuickMag Pro Read about QuickMag Pro
QuickMag Pro Magnetic modeling package. QuickMag Pro creates realistic 3D magnetic models, in less time and with less effort than ever before. Fast, realistic geological modelling QuickMag Pro allows you to construct realistic geological models of magnetic anomalies in a fraction of the time of manual methods. QuickMag Pro will build a realistic 3D geological model in less than 5 seconds, and a full inversion in less than 60 seconds.
PETREL Schlumberger The Petrel E&P software platform provides a full spectrum of geophysical workflows to solve the most complex structural and stratigraphic challenges from regional exploration to reservoir development scale. Within a unified multiuser collaboration environment, geoscientists can perform 2D, 3D, and prestack seismic interpretation as well as advanced geophysics, microseismic evaluation, 4D seismic simulation, and quantitative interpretation workflows.
Zond Software Read about Zond Software
Zond Software.Software for the interpretation of geophysical data are widespread. Depending on the nature of the application, they encompass many different directions in geophysics. Many of these software are for seismic data interpretation. The ZOND software package is oriented mainly for near surface geophysics. The package has been developing during the 21st century and includes applications for electric prospecting, seismic, magnetic and gravity surveys. The main focus is on DC and AC resisitivity methods however modules for seismic interpretation are planned for the near future.
EarthImager 3D Read about EarthImager 3D
EarthImager 3D is a three-dimensional resistivity and induced polarization (IP) inversion modeling software. It converts electrically gathered data and converts it into a 3D rendering presented using an advanced volume display. EarthImager 3D is ideal for resistivity imaging even in areas where there is a large topographic variation without producing a noisy image. The final image can be rotated in any orientation, zoomed in and out, and translated to anywhere inside the image window in order to see the feature of interest in three-dimensional detail. It may show the shape of a hidden cave, the volume of a detected ore body, or the extent of an environmental spill plume. AGI EarthImager 2D is a two-dimensional inversion modeling software for affordable resistivity and induced polarization (IP) imaging. It interprets data collected by the SuperSting Wi-Fi in just a few clicks, including parallel boreholes or on a surface line. EarthImager 1D is an inversion modeling software program used to interpret one-dimensional electrical resistivity data and reveal a layered model of subsurface geology. EarthImager 1D can process vertical electrical sounding (VES) data collected with Schlumberger, Wenner, dipole-dipole, pole-pole, and various other arrays.
Paradigm 17 Read about Paradigm 17
Paradigm 17 A High Definition Platform Better Results with Less Effort. High-definition seismic acquisition and well log data are now common among oil and gas companies. But having spent significant amounts on acquiring the data, organizations still lack the tools to extract the deeper levels of information available. The challenge extends from data processing and imaging to tying to logs, performing interpretations, honoring complex geology in the model, and outputting it all into simulation.
GSS Potent Read about GSS Potent
GSS Potent Geophysical Software Solutions. GSS develops and markets software that is intended primarily for modelling potential field (gravity and magnetic ) data. The exception is our EM-Q product, which uses moments of the impulse response to interpret transient electromagnetic (TEM) data. The following lists highlight the differences between the Potent and PotentQ products. Follow the links for details of each application. Potent provides versatile "heavy duty" modelling capability. PotentQ provides rapid semi-automatic modelling of a single anomaly on a single profile or image area.
Pdyke Read about Pdyke
The following programs are Freeware. Pblock calculates the magnetic or gravitational effect of a rectangular prism. Pdyke is an enhanced version that also calculates the effect of a dipping 2-D prism. PQaggregate - Use this stand-alone program to aggregate data from multiple PotentQ modelling runs into a single text file that can easily be imported into an Oasis Montaj database. Refer to the included PDF file for details. Down-hole processing software - This software uses accelerometer readings to recover geographically referenced magnetic components from the measured tool-referenced components. The output file can be imported into Potent for modelling.
DELPH Read about DELPH
DELPH DELPH interpretation software brings a new workflow to geophysical data processing and integration; it has the unique capability of handling vast amounts of data in a short time using batch processing while still providing the finest details. DELPH interpretation is the unbeatable solution when processing time is critical. From raw data to final deliverables, all data sonar, sub-bottom, magnetometer, bathymetric and geographical layers integrate in DELPH 3D geographic visualization for an advanced QC on a global survey scale.
mirageoscience Read about mirageoscience
Browse through our catalogue for integrated, quantitative, and multi-disciplinary 3D and 4D earth modelling software, databases, and geophysical forward modelling and inversion programs. Each of our products provide geoscientists with the capacity to create, interpret, and share a quantitatively consistent, visual model of the earth. We pioneered the Common Earth Model concept in the mineral industry, bringing together a wide range of geological, geophysical, geochemical, and geotechnical software tools in order to create integrated, multi-disciplinary models of complete geological frameworks.
vp-suite-geophysics Read about vp-suite-geophysics
UBC-GIF Industry-standard advanced geophysical modelling and inversion programs. Includes 3D modelling and inversion programs for gravity and magnetic gradient data, resistivity and induced polarization, electromagnetics, and spontaneous potential. Developed by the University of British Columbia Geophysical Inversion Facility as stand-alone, they can also be used within GOCAD Mining Suite. Many of the codes may be run directly from GOCAD workflow interfaces for organizing and documenting process flow, as well as facilitating the incorporation of geological constraints. Broad range of geophysical data processing, modelling, and inversion tools, including UBC-GIF and VPmg forward modelling and inversion codes, Profile Analyst, Maxwell, WinDisp, and Paradigms seismic modelling and interpretation software. Mira Geoscience s GOCAD/SKUA-based geophysical modules provide a wide range of geophysical utilities and flexible workflow interfaces for the organized set up and execution of forward modelling and geologically constrained inversion, including the pre-processing of data and the post-processing of the results. Mira Geoscience interpretation platform allows for an easy transition between the required raster and vector data support required for geologists and geophysicists to work together on a single earth model. 3D geological models are attributed with petrophysical properties and adjusted to match the geophysical field data quantitatively. Our structural, formational, and facies modelling software tools ensure that 3D geological models respect a consistent structural, stratigraphic, and topological framework in addition to ensuring consistency between the geological models and geophysical data.
gddinstrumentation Read about gddinstrumentation

Oasis montaj Read about Oasis montaj
Geoscience Interpretation and 3D Modelling Software | Oasis montaj Advanced geoscience analysis. Oasis montaj provides a powerful suite of modelling and analysis tools for advanced understanding of the Earth's subsurface and subsea environments. Process, map, QA and interpret all your data, including ground and airborne survey geophysics, geochemistry and geology, within one sw.
Kingdom Read about Kingdom
Kingdom Kingdom Seismic and Geological Interpretation Software | IHS Markit Even though the world of oil and gas has become more complex, your software does not have to be. Kingdom by IHS Markit integrates geoscience, geophysics and engineering into a single, easy-to-use software solution, enabling asset teams to make confident and faster decisions from exploration to completion.
MagPick Read about MagPick
MagPick -Geophysical Software - Geomatrix Earth Science Ltd The software package is supplied free with any Geometrics magnetometer or OhmMapper system, and can be downloaded from the manufacturers website. MagPick provides visual analysis of the magnetic map and manual or automatic selection of anomalies. Includes: Viewing the magnetic map with dynamic adjustment.
W-GeoSoft Read about W-GeoSoft
W-GeoSoft Geophysical Software since 1988. WINSISM Seismic refraction processing refrac. Info. Version 16. Free Trial Buy. Visual SUNT Seismic reflection processing vibro · Info. Version 24. Free Trial Buy. Win_DownHole seismic. Info.
Gravity software Read about Gravity software
Free gravity software / Links / BGI BGI Free gravity software. Computers & Geosciences (Elsevier); Potential-Field Geophysical Software for the PC (source : USGS, USA); Pblock : gravity/magnetic effect of a rectangular prism (source : GSS, Canberra, AU); Pdyke: gravity/magnetic effect of a dipping 2-D prism (source : GSS, Canberra, AU); Tsoft: analysis of Time ...
Intrepid Geophysics - INTREPID is a software package with extensive capabilities in airborne, ground, and marine magnetics and gravity data including radiometrics data processing. Now also offering comprehensive support for Full Tensor Gradiometry (FTG) and Falcon data. Premier software for QC, processing, filtering, leveling, gridding, interpreting, visualising and map making.
Reveal Read about Reveal
Shearwater Reveal - Seismic Processing Software Shearwater Reveal is the land and marine seismic processing software designed and developed in the 21st century to solve QC, time and depth processing challenges. Shearwater Reveal is capable of handling a seismic workload of any scale. ...
Eliosoft Read about Eliosoft
Eliosoft Geophysical software applications, geoservices for near surface applications, training, consulting, tutoring.
DenInv3D Read about DenInv3D
DenInv3D: a geophysical software for three-dimensional density. av Y Tian - ?2017 - ?A three-dimensional density inversion software called DenInv3D that operates on gravity and gravity gradient data. The software performs inversion modelling, kernel function calculation, and inversion calculations using the improved preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) algorithm.
Geophysical Insights Read about Geophysical Insights
Geophysical Insights Seismic interpretation software using machine learning for oil and gas exploration.
NCEI Read about NCEI
Marine Trackline Geophysical Data | NCEI Geophysics NCEI's GEODAS-NG (GEOphysical DAta System - Next Generation) desktop software is used to work with trackline data formats. PetRos EiKon Incorporated - Software For Geophysics
Geophysics software for Magnetic, Gravity, IP/Resistivity, MT/CSAMT, TEM and FEM applications. Geophysical consulting services also available.
GeoModeller Read about GeoModeller
GeoModeller is software for building complex, steady-state, implicit 3D geological models, and performing forward & inverse geophysical modelling directly from your project. How will GeoModeller benefit business?
Landviser Read about Landviser
Geophysical and Geostatistical Software | Landviser, LLC Landviser, LLC has developed a 1D interpretation software for soil vertical electrical sounding (iVES), which available for FREE download. We also an authorized distributor for a number of special software for interpretation of geophysical surveys such as RES2DINV and RES3DINV, resistivity inversion imaging.
Strater Read about Strater
Strater | Geophysical mapping, modeling & analysis software Put Strater's borehole mapping and cross section modeling features to the test to better understand your subsurface data. Learn about features and download a free trial
Reflexw Read about Reflexw
Reflexw Reflexw is one of the world's most popular geophysical near surface processing and interpretation packages. It covers the complete range of wave data (seismic, GPR, ultrasound) and the different geometry assemblings (surface reflection and refraction, borehole crosshole and tomography and combination of borehole and surface measurements). You may also have a look at a one side broschure for GPR, reflections seismics, refraction seismics and borehole application. Reflexw has a modular character. Therefore you may assemble your own modular arrangement regarding your personal needs.
RADAN Read about RADAN
RADAN is GSSI's state-of-the-art post-processing software. With its modular design, this program allows users to select the processing functions that best suit their professional needs. RADAN is Windows based, providing a familiar and easy-to-use environment for all levels of experience. The 3D module provides enhanced 3D viewing optopns in a single dialog box. User can stretch, shrink or zoom in on files as desidered for customized presentation results. The 3D module also allows the entire data cube to be sliced and diced along various x,y, and z planes and shows multiple interactive viws of 2D and 3D data simultaneously and to create shapes (pipes, drums, lines, etc,) in the GPR data.
EKKO_Project Read about EKKO_Project
EKKO_Project consists of a base program with optional modules. The base package provides file organization, quick visualization of your project information in a single window and automated reporting. EKKO_Project works with project .gpz files automatically exported from current GPR systems. An embedded database structure allows all GPR data and ancillary files (GPS, topography, photos, notes, etc.) to be housed in a single .gpz file for a specific project. A project file could contain a single GPR line or several hundred lines from a complex survey. Legacy .dt1 and .hd files can also be imported. Any available project information can easily be added to the .gpz file, providing a single point for all your survey information.
Object Mapper Read about Object Mapper
Object Mapper MALÅ Object Mapper is an easy-to-use visualization software for processing, analysis and interpretation of utility detection GPR data acquired by MALÅ systems – including MALÅ Easy Locator Pro WideRange. The Object Mapper is appreciated by its users for its simplicity and effectiveness to deliver results. The new version Object Mapper 2018 has several enhanced features including support of online maps. The software supports both Object Mapper GPS projects and Baseline projects, which means that a GPS project is utilizing positioning coordinates from a GPS receiver and a Baseline project acquires coordinate points with reference to a physical Baseline drawn up at site.
3D Imaging & Software Read about 3D Imaging & Software
3D Imaging & Software Software by US Radar INC. 3D Imaging & Software_US Radar-1 Viewing your GPR scans in 3D allows you to see them more clearly. With our 3D software, you get the power to: Generate multi-scan slice overlays Rotate and zoom data slices for analysis Generate Depth Slices and Peak Maps ...
Easy MASW Read about Easy MASW
Easy MASW Software by GeoStru Software Geotechnical and FEM analysis system software Easy MASW is a new software for the interpretation and archiving of seismic data using the MASW method (Multi-Channel Analysis of Surface Waves).
ELETOM - Electrical Tomography Software by geo&soft international ELETOM_geo&soft ELETOM is a software that performs complete 2D inversion (and not the simple iterative deconvolution of the pseudo-sections) of surface electrical surveys with any measurement array (Wenner, dipole-dipole, pole-dipole, pole-pole, user defined arrays, mixed ...
Encom QuickMag Pro Read about Encom QuickMag Pro
Encom QuickMag Pro Software by RockWare Encom QuickMag Pro software is a new magnetic modeling package from Encom Technology. Based on three years of expert systems research, Encom QuickMag Pro creates realistic 3D magnetic models, in less time and with less effort than ever before.
GPR-SLICE Software by Geophysical Archaeometry Laboratory Inc. GPR-SLICE Software-1 GPR-SLICE V7.0 (1994-2018) is a comprehensive ground penetrating radar imaging software designed for creation of 2D/3D subsurface images for use in a variety of geotechnical, engineering and archaeological applications.
GPS Software_US Radar Read about GPS Software_US Radar
GPS Software_US Radar-1 Enabled GPS compatibility using customer s receiver Works with most GPS units with external data output from handheld to GIS units to RTK rovers Receive NMEA strings through USB or serial port GNSS capable of processing ...
Easy Refract Read about Easy Refract
Interpretation of seismic refraction tests Easy Refract_GeoStru EasyRefract is the new software from GeoStru dedicated to the interpretation of seismic refraction tests using the reciprocal method and the generalized reciprocal method (G.R.M.).
IX1D Read about IX1D
IX1D combines all of our 1-D forward and inverse modeling for electrical and electromagnetic methods into a convenient to use package. Version 2 is a lighter version and sold as shareware, version 3 is sold as software.
IXVLF Read about IXVLF
IXVLF is a processing and display software for VLF electromagnetic measurements.
IXRefraX Read about IXRefraX
IXRefraX combines a 2-dimensional forward and inverse modeling with the Generalized Reciprocal Method to give a powerful and user-friendly seismic interpretation package.
IXSEeg2Segy Read about IXSEeg2Segy
IXSEeg2Segy is a seismic record viewing and processing utility that imports most historical SEG-1 formats and imports/exports SEG-2 and SEG-Y formats. For shot record viewing and QA, it is the best product on the market for the price.
IX2D-GM Read about IX2D-GM
IX2D-GM is a 2-D forward/inverse modeling for gravity and magnetics data with capabilities unique to the industry.